Job Announcement - Accounting & Office Administration Specialist
The accounting and office administration specialist position is a half- to full-time, non-exempt position with the Applegate Partnership. In this…
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Applegater Newsmagazine-- Seeking Treasurer. Oversee the nonprofit ’s financial administration.
Duties include: · managing cash flow · picking up mail and depositing checks · working with bookkeeper to pay bills,…
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SMART Reading - Volunteer Readers Needed in the Applegate!
Help support children’s literacy in your community and inspire a love of books and reading by becoming a Volunteer Reader.…
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National Public Lands Day at the Provolt Recreation Site
Volunteers Needed ! WHERE: Provolt Recreation Site across from the Provolt Store on Hwy 238. When: Saturday, October 7th from…
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Fundraiser for The Applegater: The Gater-est Show on Earth
The Applegater is looking for volunteers to help us put on the Gater-est Show on Earth at Valley View Winery…
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Volunteer Week at Sanctuary One
Through service, we come together to tackle tough challenges, create change, and build stronger, more vibrant communities. Our motto is People,…
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Get involved with Applegate Valley Connect!
Interested in joining the AVC team? Operational support is on a volunteer basis and considered low-commitment. Interested in learning a…
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The Tortoise and the Hare Sanctuary is looking for volunteers!
We are a small sanctuary with 50 rescued residents including special needs endangered Desert Tortoises (e.g., missing arm or leg,…
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Proofreader/ Editor
Excellent proofreader/ editor needed for A Greater Applegate’s Park Enhancement Programs and Communications Team. Proofread/review interpretive park signage, print, and…
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Friends of the Animal Shelter - FOTAS
Animals lost, abandoned and surrendered in the Applegate Valley often end up in the Jackson County shelter in Phoenix. Sadly,…
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