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by Christina Ammon (

Last week my partner Conrad and I decided to take a local driving adventure: The Siskiyou Loop. From the Applegate Valley, this 85-mile drive starts near McKee Bridge and winds up to the backside of Mount Ashland via Forest Rd 20.  At its highest points, the cruise provides a panoramic overview of our Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion. If you have trouble walking, or don’t want to walk, there’s probably not a better way to see our region, except by airplane.

 The last time I drove the route was by accident. I was with a friend  atop Mount Ashland and saw a road sign reading: Applegate Valley 25 Miles. We decided to try it out, figuring that the road might add a few miles, but be a nice scenic alternative to driving the I-5 back to Ashland.

Alternative it was! The road was unexpectedly slow-going, and I’m pretty certain we took several wrong turns because we didn’t arrive home until well after dark.

That was 30 years ago but still daunted by the memory, I packed the car with extra water, a flashlight and snacks. I made sure the gas tank was full, and my spare tire was at-the-ready. I emailed my partner the Forest Service “Siskiyou Loop” brochure so he’d conduct his own due-diligence before agreeing to the adventure.

Around 10am the next day, we loaded our two large poodles into my small VW Golf and proceeded to twist and turn up Forest Road 20.  After a scorching fall, I was pleased to see the temperature gauge in my car dashboard drop as the miles passed.  The dirt road stayed smooth for a long while and presented no problems for my little car.

We arrived at scenic viewpoint and let the dogs out for a romp. There were peaks and ranges in every direction the distance. The surrounding nature felt pristine.

“This makes me feel like I don’t need to go anywhere else anymore,” said Conrad, once an avid traveler. “There is so much right here!”

“This makes me feel like I don’t need to go anywhere else. There is so much right here,” says Conrad Rogmans

It was true. We do live in paradise. But I was suddenly struck by how clueless I am about so many of our nearby geographic features—especially after living here for so long. What range is what? What’s that peak called? Which direction am I facing? After spending the last two decades working and traveling abroad, I probably knew more about Nepal or Morocco than my own backyard.

That said, I have a dangerous orienteering-style wherever I go. Rather than study a map, or ask for information, I navigate the world Roomba-style. This means colliding with dead ends and wrong ways until I have built a mental lay-of-the-land.  This approach can be fun in a foreign city (and it’s great for collecting stories, instead of dust!) but not recommended for backcountry exploration. It’s the reason I was bedeviled by this route decades ago.

Fortunately, on the Siskiyou Loop route, signs for Forest Road 20 are posted at the intersections and all you have to do is follow them carefully.

We drove and stopped periodically, taking short strolls on the Pacific Crest Trail when we crossed it, and taking in autumnal views where we found them. We picnicked on the hood of the car atop “Long John Saddle” and watched the dogs frolic through the woods.

A couple of side notes:

There is a reason poodles are so often depicted sitting neatly on sidewalks outside of French bistros: they are city dogs, not country dogs!  They may not shed on the silk sofa of an urban apartment, but in the countryside their fur attracts every type of burr, thistle and weed!

Also, I also have wrong car for country living: A Volkswagen Golf is useless for hauling haybales, or firewood, or doing pretty much anything I need to do out here. Luckily, even when Forest Road 20 turned rocky for a spell, I was able to clear every hurdle by taking it slow.

I was surprised at how quickly we made it to the parking lot of the Mount Ashland ski area; I’d prepared for an arduous all- day adventure full of mishaps. Maybe the road is better now, or my expectations are better-calibrated. But even the Forest Service brochure exaggerates the driving time, warning that it is four-five hours, when it’s really more like three, even with several stops. Maybe the discrepancy can be chalked up to the season, or road maintenance routines.

From the Mt. A parking lot, it was an easy coast back home to the Applegate via I-5. We stopped for pizza at Clyde’s Corner on the way to celebrate our local adventure.

So, if you want to have a lazy car adventure, or to dazzle your visiting friends the absolute splendor of where we live, load up the car with a picnic and drive The Siskiyou Loop. You don’t need a 4-wheel drive, or Eagle Scout-level orienteering skills. But I do recommend checking the weather; it’s bound to be snowy up there at times. And if you like information, download the Forest Service brochure which provides much route beta, including botanical and historical details.

Also: I recommend different dogs!


  • Denise says:

    I love this road too, and we often recommend people from Ashland to take it home when leaving the lake. I am also a fan of your “Roomba” style of exploring, but I also love looking at maps…so I mix the two 🤗

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Belinda Northrup says:

    Thanks for sharing your adventure. We are 20 year locals and often go to Applegate Lake. I can’t wait to take this road trip.

  • Christina Christina says:

    Thanks for reading and replying Belinda! I think it would be extra nice once rain comes and “washes up” the view. Of course, with rain could come snow up on the high passes. Enjoy!

  • Christina Christina says:

    Hi Denise!!! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂

  • Vickie says:

    Thanks for the guided tour! I’m wondering if my Prius would be up for the challenge? I do have the right dog too, very short hair. Sounds like a great Fall adventure. Thank you for sharing!
    Your neighbor,

  • Bahaar says:

    Hey Sweetheart, So fun to read your post of my ole backyard, your voice I can hear in my ears. We used to spend many a day wandering those ancient mountains, any excuse to take a road with numbers and without. Sans dogs, mind you, and in the 4X4 truck….love and miss you. Bahaar

  • Christina Christina says:

    Hi Vickie! It’s hard to say. My little car doesn’t have great clearance but I was able to do it. You can always try it and then turn back if you get uncomfortable. The road is great most of the way. Just a few miles before Mt. A is where it gets a bit dicier.

  • Christina Christina says:

    Hi Bahaar! Miss having you two here!!!!

  • Martha S says:

    Having run cattle for decades up in the Silver Fork Basin, about 20 miles up the 20 Road, we have seen too many people head out there with no preparation or knowledge of the area. The road climbs up to 5,000 ft elevation, and can be hit by snow way before the valleys. Some see the signs for Ashland and assume the road is maintained. It is not, and there are NO SIGNS to say the road is blocked by snow. People die on these roads in winter. It is steep, and with ice in the shady areas, the danger of sliding off the road is quite possible. After November, the 20 Road is often closed with heavy snow. All the side roads can be confusing, and many dead-end in bad areas. Please let someone know if you decide to go, and take precautions!

  • Diana says:

    Love this story. Me and Subaru will give it a try sometime soon. Thanks for being the scout!

  • Christina Christina says:

    Solid advice Martha! Thanks for your input!

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