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Event Details: Friday, March 24th, 11:00 a.m. at Ruch Outdoor School Community Garden


ROCS staff, students and community members are gathering to celebrate former ROCS student, and current South Medford High School student, Isaac Brandenberger and his Eagle Project. With the help of his troop and community members, the footprint for ROCS’s Community Garden increased greatly therefore making it possible for many more students to engage in growing and garden lessons that occur every Friday. Our new garden is also allowing more community members to be able to participate and harvest for their families.

Ruch Outdoor Community School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) granted some funds to Isaac along with a grant from A Greater Applegate (AGA), a community building organization serving the Applegate Valley. These monies allowed the purchase of all the materials used to construct the fence and the raised beds allowing every classroom to have their own space for planting. Isaac, his family, members of his troop and teachers and community members, donated all labor. Several Saturdays you could find individuals digging holes, hauling dirt, nailing fencing materials and enjoying a morning donut to keep their energy up.

We are all very grateful for Isaac’s vision and project management and the experiences that will be offered to students, staff and community members.

All students, in every grade level, engage in garden lessons every Friday. With our current AmeriCorps person, Sofia Maciel and our amazing partnership with White Oak Farm, students are getting their hands dirty, learning about seed propagation and enjoying the “fruits of their labor”.

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