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The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act

By March 31, 2020No Comments

The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. When implemented, there will be many new resources available for small businesses, as well as certain nonprofits and other employers. This guide provides information about the major programs and initiatives that will soon be available from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to address these needs, as well as some additional tax provisions that are outside the scope of SBA.

Access the guide here: file:///C:/Users/13608/Downloads/The%20Small%20Business%20Owners%20Guide%20to%20the%20CARES%20Act.pdf

For even more resources see below:

UI changes. The Federal CARES Act makes self-employed and independent contractors eligible for unemployment insurance. The Oregon Employment Department is updating its guidance and information as quickly as they are able. For the latest info, visit:

Upcoming Trainings

Oregon’s SBDC Capital Access Team, will be hosting a SBA Disaster Loan “Train the Trainer” class this Thursday April 2, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. The audience is economic development practitioners and not small businesses / owners at this point: / Meeting ID: 960 337 172

SCDC & the SWOCC SBDC have organized a discussion with CCD Business Corporation and Oregon Pacific Bank to talk about their loan funds and the new SBA offerings. Thursday, April 2nd at 10:00am:

Layoff Aversion Funds

There are still small amounts of layoff aversion funds available in our region. Businesses with small needs that will allow them to avoid layoffs, should contact either SOWIB or RWP. A great example of a grant would be a new server to allow more workers to work remotely. Layoff aversion

New portal for SBA EIDL applications:

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