The preparation you’ve done for your household and neighborhood will make a huge difference in how affected they are by a natural disaster.
How you initially respond to a disaster can also have large impact on the outcome. Every minute counts.
Make sure you are signed up to receive emergency notifications so that you can take action immediately. Check the genasys protect site for updates regarding the evacuation levels and notices.
Know your evacuation levels and be prepared to take leave at a moments notice.
Below you will find additional tools and resources that you can use to effectively and efficiently respond when disaster does strike.
To Report Smoke or Fire
- Call 911
Unsure if it’s a wildfire? Check Burn Day Status!
- Jackson County: 541-776-7007
- Josephine County: 541-476-9663 or 541-899-1050
Current fire restrictions
- Oregon Department of Forestry Fire Restrictions Directory
Reporting unauthorized burns or equipment use
Violation of State Burn Restrictions?
- Let the Department of Environmental Quality know: (888) 997-7888, or online here.
Burning on a county designated ‘no burn’ day?
- Contact the Applegate Fire Department at (541) 899-1050
Questions regarding a prescribed burn?
- Get in touch with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF)
Evacuation Zones
- Use the Genasys Protect site (or download the app) to receive real time notifications about your evacuation zone from local emergency managers
- State of Oregon Evacuation Information
- Jackson County Fire Maps & Evacuation Zones