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As Oregon moves into “Distance Learning for All” this week, students, families and educators are going through a significant transition. We encourage you to be patient with yourself and your family as you try to adjust to this new situation. The Oregon Department of Education has created a guide for online learning. It includes recommendations for incorporating learning into your new daily life.

One tip is to spark simple conversation: Support your child’s thinking with questions. Open-ended questions will stimulate more conversation than questions that can be answered with a yes or no. Whenever possible, refrain from judging your child’s thinking by asking them to clarify or justify. And remember, even boredom has value — it can spark creativity and problem-solving.

  • Read an article or view a documentary together and ask questions like “What do you notice?” or “What do you wonder?”
  • Use books, images or online resources to spark deeper conversations.
  • Ask about and share feelings with family members about recent changes in routine.

Find more suggestions on maintaining routines, learning in everyday life and more in the a guide for online learning and on ODE’s Distance Learning for All website.

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