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Preparing for an Emergency

Living in the Applegate

As residents of a rural area that is prone to wildfires, it is essential that we acknowledge the dangers that exist around us, and take the appropriate actions to protect ourselves well before a disaster starts.

The task of preparing your household or neighborhood for a natural disaster can feel overwhelming. The amount of resources out there telling you what to do is endless. The idea behind this website is that the quest to become more prepared can be broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks, that are tailored to the needs of folks living in the Applegate.

Scroll further down this page and you’ll find resources designed to help you stay informed, prepare your home and neighborhood, and get in touch with local agencies.

Elsewhere on the site you can learn how to get fire prevention work done on your property, locate your evacuation zone, return safely to your home, and deal with insurance companies.

Stay Informed

  • Signing up for Jackson & Josephine Counties’ Citizen Alert program is the fastest way to receive emergency notices in the event of a fire or natural disaster in the area
  • Applegate Valley Fire District’s (AVFD) Community Connect platform ensures local emergency responders have critical information about your residence or business
  • Pulse Point is an application for mobile phones and tablets that gives you access to real time notifications from AVFD
  • Join the Jackson & Josephine County Disaster Registry to ensure responders are aware of your specific needs during an emergency

Prepare Your Household

Prepare Your Neighborhood

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