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Register for the upcoming ICF CCE hours for ACC, PCC, and MCC credentials

November 7, 2023


Continuing coach education (CCE) for International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) credentialed coaches is intended to provide supplemental and continuing education for those wishing to acquire new learning, professional development, and renewing their ICF credentials. ICF CCE hours allow mentee coaches to get CCE units for ICF core competencies, and resource development. Accumulated ICF CCE hours can be used to achieve credentials for ACC (Associate Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach), and MCC (Master Coach). All these credentials need to be renewed every three years, and generally CCE hours are preferred by coaches to renew their credentials. You can also attend different advanced modules and use those continuing coach education hours into your PCC or MCC credentials.  

The highly educational three-month continuing coach education program by Powerhouse Coaching delivers 30 core and 2 resource hours, which consist of coach instructions, mentoring, skill-building exercises, and peer coaching with live feedback. The course is designed to help coaches achieve PCC level proficiency and coaching presence, improve listening both internally and externally, and understand the difference between ACC, PCC, and MCC levels. The continuing coach education program by Powerhouse Coaching is meant for ACC and PCC coaches who are interested to uplevel or refresh their coaching competence.   

32 ICF CCE hours are divided into 18 Synchronous Hours, and 14 Asynchronous Hours   

18 Synchronous Hours: Delivered virtually via Zoom, these synchronous hours are delivered in English, and are super-focused on understanding, embodying, and practicing eight ICF core competencies. Sessions are held at the same time each week consecutively, and include a combination of instructions, facilitated discussions, coaching practice, and live feedback.   

14 Asynchronous Hours: These ICF CCE hours include a combination of coaching, self-assessment, and journaling. Students create a community and share their findings via online classroom discussion forums. They are paired with a buddy for support, practice, and discussion outside of class. Each session of continuing coach education will be of 90 minutes’ duration, and delivered in English.   

32 hours for continuing coach education are completed in 12 weeks, and class size is limited to 6 to 10 participants only. Participants should ideally hold an ICF ACC or PCC (active or lapsed) to enroll in group mentor coaching. At the very least, a minimum of 60 hours of coaching education from an ICF-accredited course. Students should plan to spend an hour each week on asynchronous activities.   

You can enroll for the upcoming cohort of ICF CCE hours at, which will be held on Tuesdays, Starting November 7, 2023, at 10 AM EST.   

10-hour group mentor coaching program 

10-hour group mentor coaching program by Powerhouse Coaching is designed to help ACC, PCC, and MCC coaches, and give them tools, documents, and knowledge for a confident submission of their credentialing application. It is completed in 7 sessions of 90 minutes each. In the first session of group mentor coaching, there will be a review of ICF ethics and guidelines by an experienced MCC coach. Sessions 2 to 5 of group mentor coaching will combine live mentor coaching, round robins, facilitated discussions, and Q&A. The last two sessions will be one-to-one between the mentor coach and the mentee coach, wherein you will be provided with any support that you need in skill building. To register for the upcoming group mentor coaching that will start from Thursdays, Nov 16, Dec 7, 28, Jan 11, 25 2023/24, please visit 

 Additionally, you can have a free 30-minutes consultation with Powerhouse Coaching’s CEO Mark Tucker, who will answer all your questions and queries related to ICF CCE hours and group mentor coaching programs.

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