Provolt Recreation Site Volunteer Trail Work Party
May 21, 2022 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
JOIN US for a fun morning of comraderie in improving our River Walk Trail at Provolt Recreation Site, 14171 Hwy 238, the old BLM seed orchard across the highway from the Provolt Store.
Home made goodies provided!
Help us clear weeds along the River Walk Trail
Bring your own water and lunch.
Wear clothes for working and appropriate for the day’s weather. Sturdy shoes or boots, gloves, long sleeves.
If you plan to bring your weed eater, please remember your PPE (eye and ear protection, gloves, long sleeves and long pants)
Or bring loppers and a hand saw for trimming back shrubs and limbs, you’ll still need gloves and long sleeves.