Featuring local acupuncturist Sang Montage L.Ac. and sound healer Erika Miller.
Come to receive one or all the services being offered.
Community acupuncture, sound healing, or come for tea.
Better yet, participate in everything!
Acupuncture is great for pain management, digestive distress, emotional well being and all aspects in dealing with life.
Sound healing offers vibration and energy shifts for the body, mind, and soul.
Sang Montage L.Ac. brings over 15 years of experience to your session.
She specializes in scar tissue release, emotional healing, and all sorts of pain management issues.
Erika Miller is a sound healer and energy practitioner located in the Rogue River Valley.
Christie Fairchild is owner and tea extraordinaire of Ascension Art and Tea House. She will be hosting the main event.
Please come wearing loose fitting clothing and no artificial scents.
Bring any props such as yoga mats, blankets, pillows for your sound healing moments.
Please be mindful since we are still in this moment of the COVID age.
Should you be experiencing any type of sore throat, fever, cough to please remain home.
Community Acu-Sound Healing is preformed in a group setting.
Should you be too shy to receive acupuncture or sound healing in a group setting,
Sang and Erika offer their services in a private one on one setting
in their clinic spaces or a location of your choosing.