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Applegate Valley Watershed

This page lists the educational opportunities available within Applegate Valley.

Click on a heading below (Enrichment Programs, Accredited Options, Alternative Education, Resources) to see the programs offered in that category.

Please email if you’d like your program to be included in the directory or submit your information here.


Pacifica: A Garden in the Siskiyous

A Garden in the Siskiyous is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, which has been serving the community of southern Oregon since 1999. A unique 420-acre natural reserve, it is a nature center, botanic garden, educational site, and community center. Pacifica is dedicated to education and to celebration of the environment, plants, local arts, and community: past, present, and future. We offer summer day camps and overnight camps; field trips for homeschoolers, private schools, public schools, charter schools etc.; overnight outdoor school programs; and classes/workshops. The PALS: Pacifica Adventure Learning School offers classes for home-based learning students.

Location: Williams

Cost: Varies depending on program

Timeframe: Year-round

Website: or

Phone: 541-846-1100 extension: 2

Grow Youth

Our Grow Youth Program provides students with hands-on experience in riparian restoration, invasive species removal, tree planting, monitoring, trail maintenance/construction, introductory wildlife management, interpretive sign design, construction of picnic benches, bat boxes, bird houses, etc., design of informational brochures for the community, installation and maintenance of pollinator gardens, and numerous other service learning projects. The focus of this program is to give students experience in the field of natural resource management in the form of project-based learning. Grow Youth empowers students to have a direct impact on a local community resource.

Location: Applegate

Cost: This program is grant funded, so it is free to participating schools. We are even able to help cover the cost of transportation to/from the project sites. We utilize Cantrall Buckley Park and the Provolt Recreation Site for this program. Participation at the Provolt Rec Site is conducted in partnership with the BLM.

Timeframe: September-June. Participating schools typically plan in advance for the upcoming school year.

Name: Eva King


Phone: 406-531-2494


Children’s Open Painting Studio

Dorothy Gales Event Centre. $10 drop in fee. All ages materials.

Cost: $10 drop in fee

Timeframe: Month of May 2023 After School


Phone: 541-499-0104

Contact: Kimberly Schneeman

Applegate Outdoor School

A four-day (no overnight) place-based, standards-aligned outdoor school experience for 5th & 6th grade students at Cantrall Buckley Park. The curriculum consists of aquatic and terrestrial lessons including navigation, water quality, riparian areas, tree identification, forestry, and fire ecology.

Location: Applegate

Cost: $300 per student – this includes all programming expenses and food

Timeframe: Runs weekly in April and May. Schools and/or classes register on our website. School districts apply for state Measure 99 funds to cover the cost of attendance for every student in 5th or 6th grade. More information on Measure 99 money can be found here:


Name: Eva King


Phone: 406-531-2494


SMART Reading

Woman teaching child with a bookA children’s literacy nonprofit that serves kids in Oregon’s highest need schools with two ingredients critical for literacy and learning success: one-on-one reading time and access to books. We mobilize volunteers to read with PreK-3rd graders, building confidence, literacy skills and a love of reading. We provide a meaningful way for Oregonians to make a direct impact in their communities.

Location: Currently Serving Applegate Elementary, Ruch Outdoor Community School, and Williams Elementary

Cost: Free

Timeframe: Throughout the school year, during school hours.

Contact: Taylor Melgoza


Phone: 541-734-5628


Ruch Outdoor Community School

Nestled in the Applegate Valley, Ruch Outdoor Community School (ROCS) is a K-8 public school in the Medford School District. The school accounts for 77% of the district’s geographical area. ROCS operates a more enriched educational model which leverages characteristics of our rural community and unique bio-region in southern Oregon through place-based education and project-based learning.

Location: Ruch

Cost: FREE!

Timeframe: Medford School District Calendar

Name: Ryan King


Phone: 541-842-3481


Earthwise Forest School

Earthwise Forest School is a small, fully outdoor, nature immersion program operating at Pacifica. We have a mixed-aged preschool/kindergarten class and a 1st/2nd grade class designed to support homeschool families. We offer an academic year program that loosely follows the traditional school schedule from September-May with an extended winter break. Our curriculum includes naturalist skills like animal tracking and wild food foraging, earth-based handcrafts, and seasonal songs and stories. The 1st/2nd grade class also offers academic support in math, reading, and handwriting. In the 2023/2024 school year we will meet Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 9:30 am-2:00 pm, with an optional extended day from 2:00-4:00 pm.

Type: Preschool/Kindergarten

Location: Pacifica, WIlliams

Cost: Tuition is $425/month for the Sprouts class (preschool/kindergarten) and $500/month for the Saplings (1st/2nd grade). We are Teach NW vendors.



Mountain Montessori

A homeschool classroom offering education for kindergarten through third graders in a class of ten children or less. Montessori prioritizes mixed-age, hands-on learning materials, work time that supports the development of focus and concentration, self-discovery, and deep respect. Montessori empowers children through personalized instruction, making making choices, collaboration, and independence.

Location: Williams

Cost: Annual tuition

Timing: School year, 4 days a week

Name: Karen Weary


Phone: 541-525-5642


Wild Oak Preschool

Wild Oak Preschool offers a secular, nature-inspired curriculum that weaves together elements from Charlotte Mason, Waldorf, Montessori, and wild schooling philosophies. Daily rhythms feature teacher-led educational and arts activities as well as child-led unstructured exploratory and nature play, including indoor and outdoor time, and quiet, restorative time. We operate Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-2:30pm year-round.

Type: Preschool

Location: Williams Highway, Williams

Timeframe: Year-round, summer, extended care options possible

Cost: $575/month for full-time care Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-2:30pm. We accept ERDC.

Contact Name: Heather Paladini


Phone: 336-937-2882


Applegate Branch Library

Public library open Tuesdays 10 – 4, Thursdays 12 – 7, Fridays 10 – 4 and Saturdays 12 – 4.

Location: 18485 N Applegate Road, Grants Pass OR

Cost: Free full service library card for Jackson County

Timing: School year, 4 days a week

Name: Christine Grubb


Phone: 541-846-7346


Ruch Branch Library

Ruch Library building exterior

The Ruch Branch Library is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Thursdays from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm, and Saturdays from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

We offer programs and events, Library of Things, hotspots, computer and tech help, books/newspapers/magazines, DVDs/audiobooks/music CDs, public computers, Wi-Fi, copies/faxing/scanning/mobile printing, community meeting rooms, and a study room.

Location: 7919 HWY 238, Jacksonville, OR 97530

Cost: Free full-service library card available to all Jackson County residents

Timeframe: Year-round

Name: Megan Pinder


Phone: 541-899-7438


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