Disaster-Related Public Contracting Opportunities. Any businesses that are interested in selling services or products to the relief effort should ensure they are registered in the FEMA and State (ORPIN/Oregon Buys) procurement systems for when contract opportunities come open.
- FEMA registry: https://federalcontractorregistry.com/government-contracting-how-to-work-for-fema/?gclid=CjwKCAjw_NX7BRA1EiwA2dpg0tT3wy94LlHux40icLb5KROZdtSiC0hFo1N5h71ccBgeUOl1BL4sCBoChVcQAvD_BwE
- State of Oregon ORPIN registry: https://www.oregon.gov/DAS/Procurement/Pages/ORPIN.aspx
- Business Oregon’s COBID office is available to assist with minority/women-owned/veteran-owned procurement status preferences: http://www.oregon4biz.com/How-We-Can-Help/COBID/
- GCAP can also provide technical assistance to small businesses interested in these opportunities: https://www.gcap.org/