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About Applegate Valley Connect

The Applegate Valley is a collection of unincorporated and distinct neighborhoods along the Applegate River and its tributaries. The Applegate River flows from its headwaters in the Siskiyou Mountains of Jackson County to its confluence with the Rogue River in Josephine County. The river has numerous tributary streams, including Little Applegate River, China Gulch Creek, Forest Creek, Humbug Creek, Sterling Creek, Thompson Creek, Williams Creek, Yale Creek and others which define neighborhoods.

map of our applegate valley

Website’s Purpose:

This website is a communication and resource hub for all residents of the valley to:

  • learn more about their neighbors and neighboring communities.
  • foster greater community involvement.
  • encourage local economic activity.
  • promote greater self-reliance.

The intent of this website is to become the primary connection and source of information about what’s going on, where you can find services, and who’s doing what throughout the Applegate Valley. Our goal is to strengthen the network among Applegate Valley neighbors, visitors, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government officials and work toward a more informed and connected regional community.

How to Participate:

First, register for free to create an account!

After this step, you will be able to interact on the website in a variety of ways. You can:

Behind the Website:

In 2019, A Greater Applegate (AGA) launched the Applegate Valley Connect website to foster a more vibrant, engaged, healthy, and economically sustainable Applegate Valley community.

Values and Principles:

We are committed to working together to build a vibrant community by facilitating communication among the residents and businesses of the Applegate Valley.

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